Dear Parents,
विद्या विनियोगात् विकास: (Progress comes from proper application of knowledge)
"Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations"
We are living in an era when parenting needs a paradigm shift. Society is a web of relationship where the parent-child bond is basic to most other relationships in social interactions. Parenting has walked a long way off the traditional mode and has come to be a science which is investment centric an increasingly success oriented society.
Educational pressure peer pressure and parental pressure afflict the students of the new age. We as parents and teachers can best understand their problems, strengths and weaknesses..Here, in LOTUS WORLD PUBLIC SCHOOL it is the sacred duty of the teachers to create a friendly ambience in the school where children are assured of love and acceptance. We should love our children for what they are and not what they achieve. In life.
A motivated teacher infuses a motivated mind. My ardent effort would be to build around me highly kindled faculty ever enthused to lead the young minds in the right direction. It will be my mission to share strong rapport with all my faculty members and other colleagues. Frequent sessions with children, to resolve all their problems, will be my priority, at all times. It is my strong belief that with motivation- evolves a sense of inspiration, which fructifies a well blossomed whole. My aim would be to give to this immediate world of ours, the most colorful blossoms.
LOTUS WORLD PUBLIC SCHOOL, envisages and dedicates itself for the all-round development of the students. Through academic, scholastic and co- curricular activities children are nurtured in a steady and pre planned manner for making capable and worthy citizens of tomorrow. LWPS is one of the ways through which creativity manifests itself.Expression of the views will certainly take them to new horizons.
I am sure that LOTUS WORLD PUBLIC SCHOOL will continue marching on the path of progress and achieve greater heights in the years to come.
Dr Rishi Mohan, Advocate
B.Ed, LLB, MCom, MBA, MA (Eco), MPhil (Economics), Phd (Management)